Friday, October 30, 2009
hello all, today Asterix a little Gaul warrior turns 50. not read this little warriors story? well, its a comic and a funny one as well. Asterix started off as on 29 october 1959 in a french magazine:Pilote. Asterix was written by Rene Goscinny and illustrated by Albert Uderzo. Asterix lives in a village. with Roman attacks and things i don't know, coz i haven't read many of his comics. today (provided you are reading it today) released another of his book: ASTERIX AND OBELIX'S BIRTHDAY- THE GOLDEN BOOK. well thats what i wanted to tell. i will write another article on Asterix but for now.......
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I am writing my views about these two book

But my point is that comparing to similar subjects is wrong. every author has different style of writing and if you have read both these books then you will find the difference. my only hope is that people stop comparing books whether they are of fantasy or not. if i have hurt your feelings about any of these books, i am really sorry and i didn't mean to.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Matilda is a book byRoald Dahl. brilliant book. a girl who loves to read but parents who force to watch television. Matilda then plays pranks on her parents and her brother to harras them. there is also miss Trunchbull to handle but her good teacher Ms. Honey supports her. i will give it 4.5 out of 5.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I read this book: the three mistakes of my life by an Indian author Chetan Bhagat. it was a good book. Three struggling friends open a cricket shop and then starts the story. with facing natural calamities, riots, politics they face. i will give it 3.5 out of 5 because of its huge number of curses.
Monday, October 19, 2009
another new book

I this book FROM THE TWO RIVERS PART ONE THE EYE OF THE WORLD THE BEGINNING OF THE WHEEL OF THE TIME.Whoa man! what a name! this books author is Robert Jordan. this book is about some man called Rand Al'thor and his friends who live in a dull village and then a sorceress named Aes Sdeai who can weild one power comes to their village and then Trollocs which are half human half beasts attack the village and Rand is forced to leave the village and then they face some dark forces. this synopsis is quiet long but the book is action packed story. i think it will do with 4 out of 5.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hi, i read this book the squires tales. and i really liked it. i mean you should try it out. it is about a knight called Gawen and his squires adventures. and this squire, now what was his name? Yeah Terrence and he is from a magical land and there are battles and things in this tale. i think if you saw one anywhere you should pick it up. i give it a 4.5 out of 5 so i guess that's good.
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